Thursday, February 28, 2013

No Place for "Second Home"

Sebagai seorang bocah yang pergi meninggalkan kota halamannya dalam misi mengemban ilmu di tempat jauh, pastinya gue butuh tempat singgah. Tempat dimana gue bisa berteduh dari teriknya matahari dan derasnya hujan, beristirahat di kala lelah, dan tidur saat matahari sudah terbenam.

Dan gue udah punya itu, tempat yang menurut gue nyaman untuk disinggahi... tapi bukan sebagai “rumah kedua”.

“Home is where the family is”

And my family isn’t here, so I think don’t have to make a bond with other people in this boarding house just because I live in the same roof with them. I’m not comfy if I have to make a bond with strangers especially “just because I have to”. Maybe that’s why I’m not whining about how I miss my highschool and stuff. What’s so bad about being solitary?

Maybe I could say that because I’m not “alone” in this faraway place.

Hey, I still have friends, you know...

But still, I really miss my mom eventhough there’s a little piece of her in here.

All I need is place to sleep, eat, and take a bath. Not a "second home”

Anggap saja gue sedang berada di arena balap, maka wisma/rumah (kamar) kost ini adalah pit-stopnya. Gue butuh tempat ini untuk menyelesaikan (dan memenangkan) balapan ini... tapi bukan di tempat ini gue akan berada saat lomba telah selesai.

Bukan di sini.

For those who doesn’t know the difference between “house” and “home”:

“A house is just a place where people live. Home is truly where the heart is. It's where you go after a long trip and are happy to be there! It's where all your memories are, the good and the bad! You may live in house, but you truly love being home!”

A little note for me: I need something alive in this room which isn't a mushroom, a spider, or a centipede

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